F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Encouraging Words – DeacLink

This week was supposed to be my “posting” week. I so far have conducted five interviews but have yet to post one on to the DeacLink site. After long nights of transcribing audio and plenty of editing, I received feedback from my interviewees. The transcriptions could not be approved because they need major editing. Editing someone’s speech is difficult because when someone is just straight speaking, often their manner or flow of speech does not sound good written down. I was really disappointed when I received the feedback from my interviewees. That same night, out of the blue, my bosses send me a text message. They told me that they been through the same experience and to not let it discourage me. Sometimes leadership is not only leading by example, but it is about motivating and inspiring others to do better. I was really thankful for the encouraging words.

It amazes me that it has been nine weeks with DeacLink. I cannot believe that my time at DeacLink is coming to an end. I will forever be grateful for the relationships I have built and experiences I have gained. I learned that as a working professional , I do not see myself working from home. Internships are all about learning how you operate as a working class profesional, I am glad to have learned that now.

nunet16 • July 30, 2018

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