F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Six: Shoreline, Beverly Hills

Like most of the film industry, Shoreline keeps a pretty relaxed company culture. Dress is casual, we’re all on a first name-basis, we leave for lunch/breaks whenever we want, we play music throughout the office, etc. Getting work done is still the top priority at Shoreline, however, the more relaxed company culture allows everyone to complete their tasks without any stress or pressure. Shoreline’s company culture is also very tied to making and maintaining interpersonal connections–shmoozing if you will. The goal of all film sales companies, especially smaller companies, is to acquire as many quality marketable films as possible which will be able to sell well for the filmmakers and in turn the sales company (i.e. Shoreline). Of course, this means the sales company has to do a lot of shmoozing. Making solid connections with all the filmmakers, producers, actors, writers, etc. who will hopefully like Shoreline enough to want their film represented by the company.

My highlight for this week was getting to listen in on phone call with the filmmakers for a new romantic comedy called Wild Honey. I got to see a full screener version of the film about two weeks ago and I recommended it to my boss to look into acquiring. My boss took my recommendation and also loved the film , so she reached out to the filmmakers to see if they’d be interested in signing with Shoreline. From the phone conversation, the filmmakers seemed pretty interested in Shoreline. Of course, they have to think over the logistics before Shoreline can become the film’s official sales rep, but fingers crossed the filmmakers from Wild Honey will be interested in Shoreline. If so, it would be the first film I’ve ever helped sign!


geigcn15 • July 29, 2018

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