F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Almost to the end

Because my internship is a little longer than 10 weeks, I’ll just write a quick update about some highlights from this past week at RMHC. I’ll be back next week with my final Week 10 blog post.

This week was busy at RMHC, as we had a charity golf outing on Wednesday. I had to be at the golf course from 5:30am to 7pm– it was quite an exhausting, yet rewarding day! I had various tasks throughout the day, such as riding around on golf carts during the sunrise to put tents up at holes all around the 4-course golf club, selling raffle tickets, and maybe even a little relaxation in the sun during my breaks. It was cool to be able to see a huge charity event like this from start to finish, and we ended up raising $515,000! This charity surely has that fundraising aspect down.

My huge inventory project is all set to be finished up this week. I just have one final part, which is training other people on how to use the system. I’m glad I’ve been able to finish (almost!) all of my projects for the summer. Tune in next week for the ultimate reflection!

Libby Morris • July 24, 2018

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