F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 9

I took a week off but I’ll be back in the lab this week!

As my time comes to an end, I’m leaning towards continuing research once the semester begins again. I think the internship has made me aware of how leadership structures are more relaxed in the research lab- the collaboration in each meeting when the professors will bounce ideas off of each other has grown to become one of my favorite parts of research. The willingness to help out is not entirely foreign in the private/corporate internships I’ve been in but it was never to this extent. The adage about your ability to teach as a demonstration of your comprehension of something has also held true, as I’ve begun training other people.

I’ve recognized that I struggle with trying to complete all my tasks in a single day. Being more realistic with my planning each week has helped me to better focus on the immediate tasks. Another thing I’ve learned about myself is that when I move out, I’m going to want roommates/someone else to be there. The fact that it was during summer sessions likely contributed to this but I found myself spending far too many days in a row only interacting with those in lab and at work in the library 😐

One highlight from the week was that one of the graduate students got a teaching position recently! We had previously spent 3 hours going over the last part of his interview, a research lecture to a group of high schoolers so it was great to see everything work out.


ohari15 • July 23, 2018

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