F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #8 *Insert Clever Title Here*

I am still continuing to enroll people in studies and helping to do medical record reviews for the CMR-Impact Study. I also helped to enter in some of the data from the study that just ended, PARA-Heart which let paramedics determine a HEART score for patients in the field, which basically tells how bad they are off (relating to cardiac issues). Then, when they get to the emergency room, the physicians do the same HEART score and the study is comparing how similar the paramedics ratings and physician’s ratings were to each other to eventually see if paramedics can make the call of whether or not a patient needs to go to the hospital. Pretty cool and I am excited to see the results once data is cleaned. One thing that surprised me this week is that one the the PI’s on some of the studies we enroll people in said that I could come back any time I wanted to to help out. He also said that we could maybe work out a paid position next summer and/or a gap year job is medical school doesn’t work out! Such good news!

One highlight of my week not relating to my internship….I got engaged!!!! Cue the wedding planning! 🙂

mcnekr15 • July 23, 2018

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