F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #7!

People mostly work in teams in healthcare. Everyone always has a part, especially down in the ED. Doctors put in orders, but they are relying on nurses, respiratory therapists, lab technicians, radiologists, etc. to do their jobs. Without everyone working together, the patient would not get the care that they need as fast as they need it. Within our research group in particular, we all text or IM each other if we get overwhelmed so that others can help consent patients, get blood draws, or process blood. We would not get as many people enrolled in studies if we did not have each other to fall back on. One highlight of my week was getting to enroll one of the people who helped create Wake Downtown and Wake Forest Medical School in our studies.

mcnekr15 • July 23, 2018

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