F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Newsletters are the Worst- DeacLink

Newsletters are the worst! The feeling of being judged by 127 DeacLink Digest subscribers just gives me anxiety. This month’s projects consist of July’s newsletter, telling alumni they need better headshots, and collaborating with the OPCD for the NYC Career Trek.

My least favorite project has to be the newsletter. I like to consider myself creative yet for some strange reason, the newsletter is difficult. Maybe it is because its contents are only related to visual arts. Or maybe my struggle with the newsletter stems from the newsletter website not being dummy proof. None the less, I managed to finish my draft for this month. I am just hoping that when my bosses review it, they do not rip it to shreds.

So far, I have learned a lot about the virtual world. Who would have ever guessed that working for an up and coming website can teach you coding, interviewing skills, and how to run a business. I was especially surprised at my new coding skills during this experience. The skills I gained in interning with DeacLink are skills I can take to any career after graduating.


nunet16 • July 23, 2018

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