F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

A fun week!

Leading up to my final week, I have learned a lot about the organization. I have also learned some new things about leadership. It is not necessary to micromanage, in my opinion, for people to be efficient. It works better for me not to be micromanaged; instead, I prefer to be given projects and complete them by the set deadline. It is great that both of my managers at the CCLA have that leadership style; furthermore, it is also great that both of my managers and my other coworkers, have taken the time to get to know me beyond just work. In my opinion, for leaders to be more efficient, there should be some interest shown for the people they are managing or leading. Additionally, I think that leaders are more efficient when they respect everyone. Then people will be more likely to listen and respect that leader. Interning at the CCLA, I have learned that I need to be challenged constantly; furthermore, I have also realized that I work through projects at a fast pace, thus is it important to remain in communication with a manager to ask for more projects. This internship has also allowed me to improve in my time management skills and in my communication skills. I have also learned that as a professional, I can adapt to any environment and I am very flexible with projects.

The highlight of my week was going out to eat dinner with coworkers before heading to a baseball game! It is a great feeling to know that I am meeting incredible people and that I am taking these friendships beyond the summer. These coworkers have made me feel welcomed and have helped me through stressful days. It was great to enjoy a baseball game with them and laugh at our silly jokes. Truly one the best parts of my internship has been getting to meet amazing people!

islafi15 • July 23, 2018

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