F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Its not always a race

Apologies for the slightly delayed post, I’ve had a busy weekend thusfar.

This past week has been less about the wet chemistry (the lab work, that is), and much more about going back to the basics. Reviewing the scientific method, what we know so far, and how our understanding of our science has brought new questions to light, and this past week has been about realigning myself with these ideas, and trying to plan how to efficiently continue moving research along. While it has been strange to not be in the lab as much, I can easily see how much of an impact a simple frame of mind shift such as this can have. It is always important to take a step back. I feel this especially since my time here is coming to a close at the end of the month. Hopefully this next week will be a time to put all of what I’ve been working and thinking on into practice on some new experiments, and see results. Mindfulness is, and always has been key. A slower week has helped me to remember, and focus on that,

wineia15 • July 22, 2018

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