F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7 at Hangar

Since theatre is a collaborative art everyone works both in teams and independently. I have worked on my drafting alone and my paint elevations alone but I run them by my director before turning them into the shops. So I work by myself but simultaneously with my design and production team. I appreciate being able to do my work by myself but also having other people to look at my designs and see if they fit in the world we are building. Theatre is an art form that allows people to have a lot of responsibility but also work with a creative team. I think that this makes people’s bonds much stronger and the work much better.

The highlight from this week was turning in my designs for Seussical Jr. (this is my first show outside of Wake so I am very excited). I will upload photos of the final product in August.

rodgej15 • July 19, 2018

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