F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

An amazing week!

It is incredible to think that summer is almost over and the first day of class is around the corner! A lot of the work at the organization I am interning at is done alone. For example, the paralegals do the intakes alone and then the attorneys need to work alone at times to draft their briefs and work through a case. This does not mean that there is not any collaboration. On the contrary; even though a lot of work is individual there is a lot of teamwork that happens at my organization. Often attorneys discuss ideas with each other about their cases. Furthermore, they help each other prepare if they have an upcoming trial. The attorneys also work very closely with the paralegals and rely on them to help with many tasks. The development team works in a comparable way. Each member of my team has a distinct area they focus on, but they still come together whenever there is a big project that needs work. For myself, I would say I do some work alone, but I also have some projects in which I work with other teammates. For example, I am working with a fellow intern on a grant and on recording a series of summer videos.

The highlight of my week was when a client, who is preparing for immigration court in September, drew me on a napkin. It is a great feeling to know that this client likes to work with me and is comfortable with me interpreting and translating documents in preparation for her trial. Another highlight of my week would have to be that I finished preparing for the Summer SHARE campaign. With this campaign, we can build a wish list of items our organization needs. Then people can opt to donate these items to us. It is exciting to know that each one of these items will make a difference for our clients and I am happy I was able to help with this project.

islafi15 • July 17, 2018

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