F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Four: Finally Things Are Picking Up

Hi everyone,

For the past three weeks I have been in training learning the ropes, but on Friday I got to do my first interview with a client and it was quite riveting. When my boss told me that it was time to get into the interview room a week earlier I was so nervous; my mind was going a mile a minute. My biggest fear was not maintaining my poker face and accidentally offending my client as I was conducting the interview. The days leading to my first interview I made sure to review every interview protocol and practice not showing any facial expressions. I also made sure to really get familiar with my clients case,a dn what diagnosis I should give them according to the DSM.

The day before the interview I made sure to call my client and remind them of their appointment, and I spent the whole night being neurotic. I arrived an hour early just so I could be extra prepared and not mess anything up. When my client arrived I put in my most professional face and voice and escorted them to the interview room; I gave them them the necessary paperwork and told them I would be back in thirty minutes to finish the paperwork. When we finally started the interview, I do not know what happened but all of the nervousness went away and I was very calm. I asked them all of the necessary questions, and did my job like I was supposed to. When my boss came in to check in on us, I answered all of his questions and it went smoothly.

This week I am scheduled to do two more interviews, and I am really excited to do them. Once that got that first interview over with, I became to feel more confident in my abilities, and I am finally starting to enjoy what I am doing this summer!

gbayl16 • July 16, 2018

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