F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 9

I can’t believe summer is winding down already! In just a few short weeks, I will be back at Wake to start my fourth and final year of college– time sure does fly. This past week at RMHC was a busy one, as I began three new projects that I have to finish before the end of the summer. While I already finished two of them, my final project is the biggest one: taking inventory of all the storage rooms, installing a new inventory check in/check out system, and training new volunteers on the new system. Overall, one of the biggest lessons about leadership that I have learned at RMHC is that being a leader doesn’t necessarily mean being loud. I have spent a lot of my time down in the storage rooms by myself to think about reorganizing the stuff in storage and implementing the new system, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been a leader throughout. This has been a project that I have been in charge of the entire summer, meaning some of the senior staff members turn to me with their questions. Even though I’ve been making quiet, subtle changes in the storage room, what I’ve done has definitely had an impact!

A highlight this week was going to the infamous Taste of Chicago, an event that has a bunch of food vendors from all across the city. I was able to try a goat cheese and red pepper tamale from a Mexican restaurant and red beans and rice with fried plantains from an African restaurant– all within steps of each other!

Libby Morris • July 16, 2018

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