F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Independence and Coding- DeacLink

Unlike some of my past internships, I honestly enjoy working for DeacLink. The DeacLink team only consists of four employees. Each one of us works independently throughout the entire week. Although, we work separately, at the beginning of each week we call to discuss our expectations for the week and how things are progressing. I enjoy the independence DeacLink grants because, as a team, we are able to fully commit to our task without worrying of others input until the very end.
This is week has been one of my favorites thus far. I got to code for the first time in my twenty one years of life! I was given the task to add a searchbar and search features to our site by the end of this week. After many espressos and technology articles, I finally got a search bar running on the site. It is rewarding to know that I was able to contribute to our site. It is even more rewarding to know that I can now state, I “kind of” know how to code.

nunet16 • July 16, 2018

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