F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Four at Shoreline, Beverly Hills

Each week I spend working with Shoreline, the more I learn about the how much the company actually does (which is a lot). As it turns out, in addition to their production, sales, and distribution services Shoreline also has a literary management team. On the literary management side Shoreline, represents up and coming writers and directors looking to get their work produced.

Shoreline got it’s start in 1992 with (now CEO) Morris Ruskin. as way for him to continue to produce independent films . Before creating Shoreline, Morris had produced the film Glengarry Glen Ross which had done very well (Al Pacino was nominated for an Oscar for his role in the film). Wanting to secure a route to continue to produced films, Morris started Shoreline. Gathering a crew to help run Shoreline, structuring deals, and creating soft money and international co-productions, Morris (with the help of others) was able to build Shoreline from the ground-up into what the company is today.

The main challenge Shoreline has faced, which most independent production/distribution company’s face, was just establishing the company in the film industry among so many other major companies (i.e. Sony, Universal, Warner Bros, etc. ). After years of building the company, making deals, and building relationships with financiers, Shoreline was able to establish itself as a solid player in the independent film production/distribution industry. Now, Shoreline attends and participates in 15 major media markets and film festivals across the globe, looking for new projects and new filmmakers, writers, and producers to work with.

My highlight for this week is that I was approved and was able to contact the producers for the film I really would like to be signed to Shoreline. I’m in contact with one of the film’s producers who is putting me in contact with the film’s other producers who handle distribution. There are a few hoops to jump through before any deal can get made, but I’m glad to be starting talks so quickly. Hopefully all goes well next week!


geigcn15 • July 12, 2018

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