F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7: Team Work/Projects

Week 7 has come and gone and as I enter my final week in my internship I am already starting to miss my job. This past week I worked on specific tasks that will help the flow of daily business and organization throughout the entire office. In regards to teamwork in the office, we keep things very simple. Typically each team member is assigned a part/piece of a project to complete a larger scale project for a client or the company. We work on multiple collaborative platforms in order to upload our work and keep team members aware of status updates.

While larger projects are typically dispersed throughout the team smaller projects are still given out on an independent basis as well. Sometimes a client will need the full attention of just one team member but every situation is different. For instance, one of our clients needed photography services for an anniversary event. The event itself was large in scale but for the services required they really only needed one photographer. This task was assigned to one of our photographers and he was able to complete it by himself. Whereas for larger projects we typically assign smaller parts to people with varying skill sets. Independently some employees are better at photography, creative design, UI building, or branding and this makes teamwork critical so that we can create the best product for our clients. Overall these workplace practices positively affect our teamwork as a staff.

One highlight of my week was getting some much-needed rest this weekend. Can’t wait to go back to the office Monday morning to complete my final week at Royalty Marketing.

martdi16 • July 9, 2018

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