F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Culture of DeacLink

The culture of a company is difficult to determine when it is a start-up company. From my few weeks as a DeacLink Intern I determined that our culture is heavy dependent on interns because my bosses have other jobs other than running the website. Interns are expected to run most of the operations for the website. Although, this can be stressful, I enjoy it because I am always busy and have something to do.

The biggest highlight of this week was interviewing Natalie Michaels. Natalie graduated 2011 with what she calls a “musical theatre degree.” She majored in music and theatre during her four years at WFU. I was super happy to be able to grab coffee with her in New York City. Face-to-face interviews are the most rewarding because the interview is more engaging compared to a phone call. It went so well that after I wrapped up questioning her, we stood and talked until the coffee shop closed. This is why I enjoy my time interning for DeacLink.

nunet16 • July 9, 2018

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