F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 5

I am continuing to enroll patients in our STOP Study. I am still consenting them, making sure the nurses get the blood draws, and then processing the blood. I am also screening the track board to assist my coworkers with enrolling people in our six other studies. I have started doing the medical record reviews for the CMR study. These are long and tedious but really help out my coworkers, as they can then immediately make the follow-up phone calls without doing the record reviews by themselves. Overall, I feel that the internship is going very well, and emergency medicine research hired two more people this week!

I have began to learn a lot about medical terminology and acronyms, which will assist me a lot whenever I am in medical school. It surprised me at how many patients I have been able to enroll and how much I have been able to help out. One highlight from my week was getting to go into a room where a man had suspected tuberculosis. I had to wear a “duck” mas to go in his room and this was the first time I have ever had to wear personal protective gear.

mcnekr15 • July 6, 2018

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