F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7

In the lab, people working in teams or independently all depends on the specific task. Because we all know what other people are up to, it’s typically a high collaborative work environment. There are menial tasks such as creating and distributing fly food into small vials that we all pitch in for. I’m getting training today for another assay to help fill in for another lab member. People are always coming in and out of lab and the meeting room next door to talk. As a result, the working environment is very relaxed. Even people who work while listening to music have one ear open or the earbuds curved around rather than directly in the ear.

One highlight from this week was the realization that I was the lab’s authority on earthworm brain dissection (since I was the first person to work on this assay). Continuing to improve the procedure and become better at this has been one of the most enjoyable parts of lab. Though the earthworm is already quite small, I’ve optimized the tissue sample by progressively pinning and then cutting away more of the outer area around the brain. The most difficult part has been working with the ventral side of the worm since I don’t start there. When the sample is down to 2mm in length, any manipulation tends to get it stuck onto the forceps. I have to keep in mind to not be motivated by my successes but to continue maintaining a growth mindset that isn’t dependent upon the results, even as I continue to get better at this.

ohari15 • July 2, 2018

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