F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Halfway Through!

I am just about halfway through with my internship and that is reflected on my task list. I have finished many of the smaller projects assigned to me and I am making progress with the bigger projects. Last week, I had a meeting with my team to talk about projects. I mentioned that one my biggest projects, Summer SHARE campaign, was going well. Summer SHARE is a campaign of two weeks in which many Charlotte nonprofits make lists of supplies needed. People are then able to go on the website and donate some of these much-needed items. I have been working on finalizing a list of items our organization needs by asking distinct people around the office. On July 16th-22nd, I will be running the social media posts regarding this campaign. With the smaller projects, I am surprised how quickly I was able to finish these tasks. Furthermore, one of the best parts of working at CCLA has been that people are always willing to help and answer any questions. While some of the biggest projects I have will run until the end of my internship, I want to ask for more tasks to continue learning as much as I can.

I have learned so much these five weeks that it is not possible to write about all in one paragraph. Relating to development, I have learned about the different types of campaigns that many nonprofits have. It has been extremely helpful to witness the administrative side of nonprofits and what goes into raising money for the organization. There is a lot of grant writing and creating planning that goes into every grant. I have also learned a lot about the donors who are specifically targeted and how they should be cultivated. It has also been very extremely interesting to learn about social media for a nonprofit organization like CCLA. On the other hand, with the immigration team, I have been able to learn a lot of helpful and interesting information. This is especially pertinent because of what is occurring at the United States and Mexico border. For example, just last week, the Supreme Court handed down an important decision for immigrant law. It has been very helpful to hear the explanation of this from the attorneys I am working under. The highlight of my week was being able to interpret for a client while my manager started preparing her for trial in September. This is a great experience for the future since I wan to go to law school.

islafi15 • July 2, 2018

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