F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 5-DeacLink

Interviewing is one of my most difficult task as an intern at DeacLink. It also is my biggest project because I must interview several alumni by the end of this summer. I thought that majoring in communication would help ease some awkwardness that comes with the territory but I was wrong. Although, the more I interview, the better I become, I still have difficulty researching alumni to request a spotlight feature for on our site. However, once I find an alumni to interview I find it most surprising that they are willing to have students reach out to them. It teaches me that it is important to continue to build on our relationship once the interview is completed.
This week’s highlight was interviewing CEO and Foundsr of bSmart, Meagan Hooper. Meagan graduated in 2004 with a degree in theatre. I was surprised to learn that Meagan did not allow her major to define her path. She ended up becoming the COO of an investment firm with no education in finance. Life can be strange sometimes. She later left her job to inspire women in the workplace and created bSmart. It was fascinating to learn how theatre shaped her but did not define her.

nunet16 • July 2, 2018

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