F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week Two: This is Crazy

Hi everyone,

I have now come to the conclusion that you could not pay me any sum of money to join the armed forces. All of the stories of PTSD and the mental disorders that resulted from the service that I hear from the veterans has really made me think long and hard about the career path that I intend to take. As stated in the previous blog post my duties as an intern is to advocate for disabled veterans to the Department of Veteran Affairs through an interview process and the different reports I write on my findings from these interviews. It has been really hard to maintain a stoic expression when someone is telling you about all of the abuse that they have endured, but it is something that I have to learn how to do because it is imperative to my internship.I think my new goal for this summer is to come out of this internship with no mental health issues because everyday I am hearing some crazy stories. For this to happen I need to build a wall and be able to seperate myself from my job.

gbayl16 • July 1, 2018

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