F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7 at RMHC

And here we are after another successful week of interning! We’ve been having a dangerously intense heat wave in Chicago for the past couple of days, so I apologize in advance for any incoherancies that may be caused by excessive heat exposure – the heat index is 100 degrees with 69% humidity… excuse me while I go stick my head in a freezer!

Now to the topic for this week: the working environment at RMHC. The environment here is more individualistic, running on the model of my boss giving me tasks to complete on my own. My other colleagues operate similarly, doing tasks on their own and collaborating if necessary. With the nature of what RMHC is, we are expected to be on our toes and be ready to help out all together if necessary. This happened last week when a volunteer group who was supposed to cook lunch for the whole house (aka cook enough food for 70+ people) didn’t show up. All of the other interns and I had to scramble something together collaboratively to serve people lunch on time. But we did it! I feel like this sense of willingness creates a supportive work environment for all those involved, as it’s clear that people will drop what they’re doing to help ameliorate stressful situations.

One of my highlights for this week was meeting up on Friday night with a couple of other Wake students who are also in Chicago for the summer! It was fun to meet some new people who are also fellow classmates. Additionally, another highlight was going to a Harry Styles concert last night with one of my dearest childhood friends (who also happens to go to Wake!). It was a deacs filled weekend! Here’s to a productive week, everyone!

Libby Morris • July 1, 2018

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