F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 3: Getting to know Councilwoman Ajmera better

This week, I really enjoyed meeting with the Councilwoman one-on-one. Usually, I receive assignments from her via email or text. It was nice that she was able to schedule time to speak to me about me about my current assignments, what I have learned so far, which events I liked/disliked, and future assignments. The meeting allowed me to reflect on what I have done and what I hope to achieve. In the meeting, we got to know each other on a personal level. I really enjoyed getting to know “her story” as well as her personal interests.

On a regular basis, my point of contact is Councilwoman Ajmera and her assistant, Amanda. However, on some social media projects, I reach out to the other interns to work on crafted social media posts. I also meet with the city’s communication staff for advice on the writing assignments that I am working on. I am able to reach out the other city employees because the Councilwoman connects us. I like working with experienced professionals because I believe it will improve my writing and style. Meeting with them also allows me to get to know more about their job as well as expand my network. I hope to continue to meet as much people as possible this summer so that I can learn more about potential careers. The City Council may be small but there are many projects that the members work tirelessly on to complete for the future growth of the queen city. Local government is very important as many of the items that Council decides on directly affect Charlotteans!

venare16 • June 25, 2018

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