F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 5: Progress Update

Its week 5 and I am still learning new and fascinating things about marketing, market research, and running a business. I feel like I have learned so much in these last five weeks, it has been amazing. The way my internship is structured I have been given multiple small projects that are a part of two larger projects. One of the larger projects was a market research project that I created in order to analyze marketing agencies that operate across the country. This project allowed our company to compare itself to other smaller and larger organizations in order in the digital marketing industry. For me, the project was very interesting because I was able to learn much about the marketing industry and the big four marketing firms that own most of the larger companies that I did research on.

My other project this summer has been to revive the social media for the company and create a type of newsletter for current, future, and old clients in order to gain interest in our brand. So far things are going well and much progress has been made on each project. What has surprised me the most has been the fact that no day is the same. Some days are client meeting days, some days are set aside for photoshoots, and some days are for planned travel to New York. The consistent inconsistency of each day is extremely exciting and makes working at Royalty Marketing an amazing intern experience for me. Because of the inconsistent days, I have really learned how to adapt the way in which I get work done. I have gotten better at managing my time and keeping up with multiple projects.

So far the summer has flown by and I could not ask for a better boss or internship. One highlight of my week was getting to see my grandmother this weekend and other family members.

martdi16 • June 24, 2018

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