F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Over the hill! Week 6 updates

I can’t believe I’m just a little over half-way over with my internship- this summer, as per usual, has just flown by! For my post this week, I’ll discuss the work environment and overall culture of Ronald McDonald House Charities as an organization. Due to its philanthropic nature as a nonprofit organization, RMHC is dedicated wholeheartedly toward helping those in need, specifically sick children and their families. Because of this, everyone works with the mindset of helping others through an extremely difficult time. Therefore, sensitivity toward and the embracing of differences is vital to the culture of RMHC; you cannot work here without that mindset. We serve families all across many spectrum such as income, wellness, familial relations, and more. We need to be cognizant of these differences but also maintain our course of care as the same for everyone in the House. I think this is a really great culture for me to be exposed to as a young professional with the desire to work in this industry, so I am grateful to be able to be exposed to it at an early time in my career!

One highlight from this past week was celebrating a friend’s birthday on one of the beaches in Chicago. It was about 80 degrees and sunny with just a little bit of a lake breeze- a perfect day at the beach in my opinion! Looking foward to savoring the last half of my summer here, as I know it will end quickly. Here’s to a productive week ahead…

Libby Morris • June 24, 2018

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