F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 4 at Hangar

This week we have opened two shows, one Kidstuff and one Wedge. The Kidstuff production is Playing Peter Pan and the Wedge production is A Brief History of America. Both Productions opened yesterday and will close Saturday when Fortune, the main stage production, also closes. This weekend will consist of striking the Fortune set and loading in the set for Chicago. While this week has been extremely busy the highlight would probably have to be working on the theoretical design project for The Effect. I have attached an image of my 3D drafting. My design presentation, with my design team, is on Monday.

The Hangar Theatre is a non-profit organization. Hangar started in the early 1970s when an old airplane hangar was converted into an arts space, hence the name. In the late 80s Hangar began to bring in directors for the summer program. They later started the lab company program, this included design and performance. Finally, this past year they have found a new space for one of their production series, the Wedge Series. These four productions are now in the Cherry Arts Space. Hangar has seen a lot of growth and is still expanding in terms of productions, programs, and spaces. I am excited to see where the company will be in ten years.

rodgej15 • June 23, 2018

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