F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

more of the usual (sort of)

Back from vacation, and right back into it!

My week at the beach was great, and honestly i needed a break (I was still just a little burned out from last semester). But it felt good to dive back into the lab!


My week has been spent trying to go down a list of experiments, and get data good enough to publish. Which has been a very meticulous and time intensive process. But there is something rewarding about seeing that data come out perfectly after a hard days work. Little things still go wrong here and there, but overall we’ve been marching steadily onwards! The only difficulty has been a little renovation work being done in the building. With the water shut off on occasion, we can’t do research (safety showers are important, and we can’t be in the lab if they are not working). However, this has allowed us to go on a hike as a group, and that was the highlight of my week!

wineia15 • June 23, 2018

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