F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week One: Shoreline Entertainment, Beverly Hills

Hi Everyone!

My name is Courtney Geiger. I’m a rising senior at Wake Forest originally from Lexington, South Carolina. On campus, I’m pretty heavily involved in filmmaking. I’ve served as co-president/treasurer of Wake Studios (our on-campus student-run film organization) for the last two years, as well as produced many independent narrative and video art projects since I’ve been on campus . In addition to filmmaking at Wake, I’m also involved in Wake’s theater department. I work in the theater department scene shop building sets for shows which has given me an innumerable amount of skills and, in a lot of ways, has offered me a unique skill set which I can incorporate into my filmmaking practices.

This summer, my internship is in Los Angeles, CA. I’ll be interning with the acquisitions department for Shoreline Entertainment, a film distribution company. Essentially what I’ll be doing is aiding the acquisitions team in selecting projects that the company will pursue for financing and development. Day to day, that means I’ll be reading scripts, watching 1st cuts of films, doing script coverage, etc. I’m thrilled to have gotten and be completing an internship with a production company like Shoreline for this summer. My main goal for this summer’s internship is to really learn the ins and outs of how film production companies operate in LA. As I plan on continuing to pursue filmmaking/screenwriting after I graduate from Wake, learning about financing, distribution deals, script coverage, etc. will prove an essential skills as a I transition from Wake to a career in the film industry. Using this blog, as well as the occasional photos/ videos I’ll post to accompany this blog I plan on tracking my progress and accomplishments throughout the summer.

I’m looking forward to an enlightening and productive summer interning with Shoreline!

-Courtney Geiger

geigcn15 • June 21, 2018

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