F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 4: Royalty Marketing

Royalty Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency that was started by an entrepreneur named Daryl Shaw. Daryl is a Wake grad and began his career working in corporate for a plethora of companies. He specialized in advertising and data analytics but eventually gained an interest in creative design from a friend who was a freelance creative designer. Daryl saved his money for years and once he had enough start-up capital he did what all great entrepreneurs do and invested in himself. Ten years later Royalty Marketing has worked with large names like Kevin Hart, Kelly Rowland, Hanes, Harley Davidson, and a multitude of companies throughout the Winston-Salem.

The business has been very successful but success has not come without its challenges. One of the challenges Royalty Marketing has had to deal with is geographic location. Because we are located in the Winston-Salem area and not a larger city like New-York or San Francisco it has been a challenge to attract local customers. Many businesses in the area do not understand the value of digital marketing and advertising and are unwilling to pay for the typically huge return on investment that a company like Royalty Marketing presents. In order to handle this problem, Daryl chose to increase his target audience to people in larger cities and small businesses in the multi-million dollar phase of their life cycle. By doing this he has gotten a lot of business in New-York and wants to set up a new home office in New-York city to better accommodate his growing clientele.

The highlight of my week was going with Daryl to Wake Downtown to help with a photo shoot he was doing for a client. It was fun to see the process and just how much goes into building someones professional image.

martdi16 • June 18, 2018

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