F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #3 in the ED

I am working for Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and the School of Medicine in Emergency Medicine Research. Our two offices are in the hospital, as well as our lab where I process blood. I work mainly with 4 different women on a day-to-day basis. Their names are Rachel, Lauren, Maggie, and Stephanie. They are so sweet and knowledgeable and have all trained me very well in order to do one of the studies on my own and screen for the others. They also trust me and know that I am responsible in my duties, which is nice. Last week I single-handedly got six people enrolled in our STOP-CP study, and our goal for the week was only five people. Lastly, one highlight from my week was getting to see a MVA trauma and a post cardiac arrest trauma come into the ED. While these are very sad experiences for all involved, it is a great learning experience to be able to see all of the healthcare providers working together to save a life.

mcnekr15 • June 18, 2018

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