F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 3 at Hangar

Week 3 has consisted of design and production meetings. We have officially opened our first show, Fortune. On the second night of performances the four design apprentices, myself included, designed a Cabaret. The theme was “Artist’s Experience” so the design was a small Parisian cafe feeling that emphasized the individuality of the actors performing. I was able to communicate with the director on a more professional level. I was also able to have more conversations with my fellow apprentices as lead designers.


I am currently sitting in tech for Playing Peter Pan, the first Kids Stuff Show on which I am assisting. Tech is going well and everyone in the company is very encouraging and excited. The entire staff at Hangar is incredibly supportive. This theatre is focused heavily on education and so my mentors and fellow apprentices are constantly working with education in mind. My mentors have begun to tailor my day to day expectations to focus on my weaknesses. Thus, I have been practicing my drafting a great deal.

The highlight of the week was most definitely opening night. The entire company comes out and dresses their best. We get to hear our artistic director, Michael speak about the season and welcome the community to Hangar.

rodgej15 • June 18, 2018

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