F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

A Coffee Break-DeacLink

This week was special because I got to meet one of my bosses in person. In case you are not aware, I am required to work from home. I never got to meet any of my bosses in person because we all live in different states.

This week I traveled to Atlanta, GA to visit friends. While there, my boss Katie and I decided to grab coffee and talk outside of our normal work conversation. During our coffee break, I got to learn about how my bosses were able to find jobs right after graduation. Katie and Kelsey graduated from Wake Forest in 2014 with degrees in Art History. During their senior year they decided to pay for a weekend trip to New York City and meet with numerous of alumni. Katie stated that at one point she was grabbing coffee ever 30 minutes. From this experience both of my bosses got the job offers they were seeking. Unfortunately, they felt that they were being neglected and had to go out of their way to have this opportunity. That is when they both came up with the idea of DeacLink. Hearing this story really inspired to to continue to reach out to alumni.

I was really fortunate to have the opportunity to talk outside of our workplace. We usually are stressing about deadlines, interviews, and the website but this week I got to see the power of the work we do. It was rewarding to know that life continues after graduation.

nunet16 • June 18, 2018

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