F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

A Week Full of Firsts 6.10.18- Payton Calvert

It has been a week since I last blogged and was preparing to travel to Uganda to begin my internship. Since then I have left the country for the first time, met the four other interns working here this summer, met the staff of Good Shepherd’s Fold, played with some of the children at the children’s home, and have been amazed by it all. The campus is rather secluded in the rural Buikwe District and many of the staff and missionaries live on campus, which makes it easier to build relationships and learn from their work. I have also been into the surrounding village for a Bible study/entrepreneurship club and for church this morning, which was in half Lugandan, the local language, and half English.

I have struggled with homesickness in the few days that I have been here, but have recognized if I dwell on missing home I will be inhibited from learning and serving to my full capacity. This is something I have begun praying for so that my time might be fruitful.

Tomorrow I begin my responsibilities as the intern for the sponsorship program. My primary responsibilities will be coordinating and assisting the 65 sponsored children in writing letters to their sponsors and updating biographical information. I am very excited to begin this task as I hope to get to know the children better. I have met the babies, toddlers, and some 8 year olds so far and have been blessed by their joy and vigor for life. They are all so affectionate, calling me Auntie Payton (the name given to adult care takers) and making me smile with all their playing and giggling. I look forward to getting to know them all more as I take on my responsibilities.

The highlight of my week was probably when we first arrived on campus on Thursday. We were greeted by the entire GSF community with singing and celebrating. As I walked up to meet some of the children, a little girl came up and wrapped her arms around me. This place is full of Christ’s love and I am blessed to learn from these kind people.

calvpe16 • June 17, 2018

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