F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #1

Hello all! I am very excited to have received the opportunity to be a FM Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend recipient. I am a rising senior at Wake Forest University from Charlotte, NC. I am majoring in Politics and International Affairs and Sociology with a Latin American studies minor. On campus, this will be my third year being a Resident Adviser and my first being a President’s Aide. I will also continue tutoring middle and high school students at El Buen Pastor. During my free time this summer, I intend to begin practicing for the LSAT as well as begin my quest to find a job.

This summer, my internship will be at the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy. There, I will serve a quasi-role since I will be working both with the Development and the Immigrant Justice Program teams on distinct projects. With the development team, I will most likely be working on the organization’s social media and website. With the Immigrant Justice Program team, I will be working on DACA filings, administrative support, interpreting, translation, and assistance with completion of immigration forms. This is extremely exciting for me because I will be able to continue working in immigration law while working in development; two areas which will help me grow as a young professional. One of my main goals for this summer is to improve in my communication skills. In general, I want to learn as much as possible this summer by stepping outside my comfort zone and I know this great internship opportunity will allow me to do so!

islafi15 • June 13, 2018

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