F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 3: Royalty Marketing

This summer I have been the amazing opportunity to intern at a marketing agency called Royalty Marketing. Its week three and I have learned so much about advertising, social media, digital marketing, and client relationships. My position as the project coordinator allows me to work directly with the owner of the business Daryl. Daryl is a Wake grad who started his marketing agency because of his love for advertising and creative design. He has been an amazing mentor and inspiration to me as a future entrepreneur. As an intern, I have really been able to see and understand how much work really goes into making clients happy and how giving them what they want can sometimes be an arduous process.

These past few weeks I have also worked with one of the creative designers on the team, Alberto. Alberto has been a joy to work with. He is an amazing designer and always brings a positive attitude to work no matter what stages we are in a project. Whats really interesting is that Alberto is from Italy and aside from being a creative designer on the Royalty Marketing team he is also the owner of an Italian clothing line that he started with his wife. Working with Daryl and Alberto has shown me the various forms and benefits of Entrepreneurship. They have also shown me how important time is in terms of running your own business. I can definitely say that I am enjoying my time here and I have really enjoyed all of the staff.

The highlight of my week was when my girlfriend came up to Winston to visit me. We ended up going to Durham and doing some exploring/shopping. I can’t wait to get back in the office and finish up the projects that I am currently working on.


martdi16 • June 11, 2018

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