F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

New Projects- DeacLink

This week has been a roller coaster of projects. Also, did I mention it is only week two? After further discussion with my two bosses I decided to tackle on three projects this summer. Other than being responsible for interviewing alumni for our website, I am now responsible for planning an alumni event in New York City for the Fall, connecting with performing art Wake Forest organizations, and giving constructive criticism to how the company operates. I decided to take on these projects because this summer my biggest expectations while interning for DeacLink is to market the website better. I want to reach a larger audience than the 126 people we have subscribed to our newsletter.

My greatest highlight this week was interviewing Cambra Overend ‘04. Cambra graduated from Wake with a theatre major. She is now a stage manager on and off Broadway. It was soinsightful to hear about the career path she had taken after graduation. There few times students get to connect with a Broadway professional. I look forward to possibly reconnecting with Cambra after I send her a thank you note.

Next week I will be traveling to Atlanta, GA to visit friends. I thought this would be a great time to pay my boss a visit in her hometown. I realized that in order to build professional relationships with colleagues outside of DeacLink, I need to make an effort to talk to them outside of work. Whether that be for a nice cup of coffee in Atlanta or a text message to see if everything is going well on their end. My boss was very pleased to hear that I want to grab coffee next Thursday. I cannot wait to tell you all what next week is like!

nunet16 • June 11, 2018

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