F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Time slips on

This week has been a blur.

Most of my time has been spent getting back into the swing of it. Learning newer techniques developed over the past year when I’ve been away from the lab and meeting all the new research assistants has occupied my time. Everything is faster now, and the lab hums like a well oiled machine as we push towards publication.


This is what I love. Being in the thick of it, having new curve balls thrown at me each day, and spending my days problem solving as part of a team. I’m happy to be back.


Next week I will be away on a trip, but when I return I’ll continue to try to test our method in the most rigorous way I know how to. And soon, hopefully we will have publication worthy experiments to show for all of our hard work.

wineia15 • June 8, 2018

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