F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 2: So Far so Good

This week I learned a lot about the nature of the business that I am working for as well as the role I play. I met a few members of the team this week and immediately felt grateful for the opportunity I have this summer. Because I am the only intern, all of my colleague’s are outside of my area. This also has a lot to do with the fact that every team member has a different set of skills which applies to different parts of the creative design element of Royalty Marketing. This week I met with one of the creative designers and we immediately hit it off. He explained the role that comes with his position as a creative designer and by his explanation he assisted me in figuring out how my role assists Royalty Marketing. For me, the easiest way to build relationships with colleagues was to talk with them about what they do but to also try to understand them on a more personal level. The company I am interning for is a small agency so it is easier to know colleagues by name. Royalty Marketing is a boutique marketing agency that specializes in providing innovative solutions for creative problems. This involves advertising, User interface building, branding, and various other marketing activities. This being said I wasn’t sure how large of a role I would play in the day to day business, however, I was able to lend much more support than I thought.

Upon first entering the office of my boss I understood the calm work environment that I would be a part of. I was excited to start work and could not wait to meet other people on the team. My boss gave me tasks to do and this helped me to better understand my position. The role I play in the process involves research and feedback. My responsibilities include objectively researching competing marketing firms in order to find similarities and differences in our companies structure vs other company structures specifically in regards to social media. I create spreadsheets and documents to catalog this data and then provide summarizing information that submits my final interpretation of the data collected. I am responsible for giving feedback to reaffirm things that the company is doing as well as provide dialogue and planning for things the company could implement to increase business success. These are only my responsibilities for the first week. I am sure that there will be much more in the weeks to come.

During this summer, I expect to learn a lot about marketing, creative design, the importance of building personal relationships with clients, and the nature of how to run one’s own business. I have just begun to realize how much work goes into each project and how large of an impact an agency like Royalty Marketing has on the consumer/product market. This week has also taught me about the flexibility owning your own business provides you when making decisions about who you work with and the power of the team you select.

One highlight of my week was being able to watch first hand a project from start to finish. The process is very long and the final project is amazing but cannot display how much actual work went into the actual planning, designing, and creating of something incredibly unique for our client.

martdi16 • June 3, 2018

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