F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

I’m back

I’m back at Appalachian State University for my second summer, thanks to the Kirby grant! I’m super excited to finally be able to get some more research under my belt. Today was orientation, and nobody cares to hear about how boring standard chemical safety training is, so here is a bit about me.


My name is Ian Winek, and I’m a Materials Chemistry major and Physics minor at Wake. This is my second summer at this internship, and my second summer under a Kirby grant. I perform biodiesal research for the Shaw research group at Appalachian State University, and I focus on using organic nanoreactors to push reactions to high yield in a matter of hours (traditionally this can take days). I’ll be working on the same projects this summer, and will be helping the research group get ready to submit several papers for publication! Outside of that, I am a martial arts instructor, and an avid outdoorsman, who is excite to be home in the mountains! I’ll talk more about actual science next week, but for now, here is to another great summer!



Ian Winek

wineia15 • June 1, 2018

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