F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Getting Started

My name is Jyles Rodgers and I am a rising Senior at Wake Forest University studying Theatre and Studio Art. I will be working at Hangar Theatre in Ithaca, NY as a scenic design apprentice. My position includes assisting on 8 shows and designing one of my own. I am hoping to learn more about the job requirements of being a freelance designer. I will also be learning how a professional shop is run and the conversations had in professional production meetings. I have served as an assistant to a projection designer in NYC but I have never been a lead designer on a professional show. I am hoping to learn new and unique ways of interpreting scripts and plays that will change the way I design. Each designer that I will be assisting will be able to show me a new method of design.

I will be positing photos of sketches, drafting, model building, and painting in order to document my process. I will also post about new ways of design that I am learning. I am incredibly excited to get started.

rodgej15 • June 1, 2018

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