F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Oh Sweet Lord it is the Last Week of a Grueling Internship

(Un)Happy Monday! Let me tell you how I really feel about this internship. It has been arduous, simply enduring. I have had an extremely hard time emotionally adjusting to nepotism. My employer’s son is unemployable, yet he has been handed a job by his mother. I understand this, meaning that I can see how a…

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Week #10

My internship has turned out to be extremely more gratifying than I could have hoped. Gaining experience in nonprofit office work, event planning, child mentoring, and so many more areas have been very eyeopening to me. I was shown the importance of humility in a nonprofit business setting, consideration of the implications of charitable acts…

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Last Day, Walking Down K Street, and Goodbye Washington

I walk to work every morning because the walk to Ayuda’s K Street office isn’t too long, and it gives me time to listen to music, sort through my thoughts, and casually people-watch. On my last day, this walk felt more special than most because I knew that it would be the last time that…

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Hey all, I’ve been at home for two weeks or so now, and have had some time to think about my internship experience. All in all, I had an incredible internship. This was my first real internship, and I couldn’t have had a better boss or been a better organization. Besides just being a good,…

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Political Power of Laughter, Georgetown, and Preparing for the Last Week

I cannot believe that next week will be my last week working at Ayuda. This week I spent time beginning to wrap up loose ends and thinking about all of things I am going to miss about my routine in D.C. (one that has become quite comfortable by now). The highlight of my work week…

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The Intern Life: Life Lessons & New Friends

I am very grateful for my time interning at Running Start. Although this internship wasn’t what I was expecting according to the given description, I was able to network with incredible women in politics and other interns in the D.C. area. However, there were many obstacles at this internship. There were too many interns in…

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And That’s a Wrap

This summer has flown by so quickly, and I actually hate to see my internship come to an end. I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity, and I want to thank the OPCD for allowing it to happen. As I sit here typing this (one handed might I add, due to a rotator cuff surgery at the…

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