F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #7

Hey all, Had a very solid past week. I’ve largely been continuing on the project that I’ve been working on most of the summer – going through studies to evaluate them for their methodological rigor. This past week brought some examples of really good, solid research. In addition to my boss, some researchers at Drexel…

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Another Week Goes By

Happy Sunday! So at Arista, I would not call what we do “working in teams.” Yes, we do hep each other out where we can, such as sharing supplies or doing small favors for each other, but other than that, there is no collaborating on anything. As isolating as this may sound, we spend our…

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Winding down at CCT

Wow, I can’t believe I’m back already writing a post for WEEK 8! This past week absolutely FLEW by, which I guess was a good thing since that means it was a fun, stimulating week of learning all I can about non-profit marketing. Above all, I think one of the most important lessons I’ve learned…

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Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Hello everyone! I hope that y’all have had incredible weeks. This week at my internship, we spent the majority of our time preparing for our 2-day long Young Women Run event held at the AT&T Forum for Technology, Innovation, and Policy in Washington, DC which will take place on July 17th & 18th. The event…

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Flying Time, Georgetown, and the Power of Testimony

When I first came to D.C. I was having trouble imagining this experience because I realized it wouldn’t be like any I had ever had before. Now, after being here for 7 weeks it is hard to imagine being or living anywhere else. When I started my internship, I knew my position and had a…

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Week #8

This week my internship, which has been enjoyable so far, became even more intriguing and inspirational. This week the Dream Center launched the Dream Academy which is a summer and after school program for bubble, first generation college students who need extra attention; this by far was the highlight of my week. The program inducts…

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I’m running out of good names for these

Hi everyone, Sorry for the late post, I was having internet issues this past weekend. Research has marched on as usual. We all bought walkie-talkies, and now use them in the lab almost exclusively- just because we can. There was also a minor war about which state produced the best sweet corn. I never realized…

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Week #6

Hey all! Had a short but good week! As my boss was leaving last Friday, she told me that I could take Monday off to make it a four day weekend! I honestly think this reflects part of a larger emphasis here at EPI to create a meaningful, positive environment that doesn’t exploit labor and…

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In Good Company

Happy Sunday! So I am going to tell you about the culture of Arista: Arista is a counseling office run by Dr. G., a psychologist and nurse practitioner in psychiatry. In her headquarters office, where I work, she is the head therapist, followed by Dr. S., another psychologist and renter of Dr. G.’s.The office has…

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

I thought this week’s topic was exceptionally relevant due to the nature of this company. In my experience so far, every single employee of Pruitt works in a very close knit team environment. There are around 12-15 locations in North Carolina, which are divided into three “regions.” These regions are northeast, central, and southwest. Each…

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