F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Not that much longer…

My internship at CCT is a little bit longer than 10 weeks, so until I finish, I will post about the regular happenings at CCT! This week was a busy one, as always! My boss, Patrick, went out of town from Tuesday through this upcoming Tuesday, so we did a lot of prep work for…

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Look into the Future, Make Your Case, and Keep Exploring

Sometimes I think that if we could look into a crystal ball and see into the future, life would be so much easier. I think foresight is an important part of being a good leader. Trying to look ahead and foresee problems, challenges, and areas with greatest potential for successful change is really important when…

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Young Women Run conference & Nancy Pelosi!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. My Monday and Tuesday were super exciting this week. Running Start co-hosted a conference called Young Women Run with an organization called Ignite! It was held at the AT&T Forum for Technology, Entertainment & Policy in DC, which is right across from the Georgetown Law Center….

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Week 8

At this point in my life, it’s become clear. To sum up my job in two words, I would say: professional Googler. Not a negative at all, but the amount of time I spend on Google researching media contacts, client outreach, and social media influencers is truly mind boggling. We recently had our holiday party…

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Week 7

Even as an intern, RVD expects you to be able to be self-guided and motivated, which has been incredible for my (lack) of organizational skills. The full time staff are in teams based on which clients they work with, but in general much of the work at RVD is individual. However, there are plenty of…

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Week 6: Not-so-formal Culture

One of the most refreshing aspects of working for a smaller agency is the laid back attitude and more casual atmosphere than at big firms , banks, and other scary, corporate places. RVD, although professional, well-connected, and a place of important business, emphasizes comfort and friendliness between all of its employees. Being in a WeWork…

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Week 5: Pizza Pizza

This week has been huge for RVD. So many events, a few new interns starting, and chaotic energy everywhere. Nevertheless, this week was filled with learning, fun, and insane amounts of food. I worked at my first press and social media influencer (Insta-famous in laymen’s terms) event, and it was nothing short of a whole…

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Week 8 Progress Update

I have gained so much knowledge from this internship that I cannot even begin to explain. I am learning an entire side to the healthcare industry that most of the public is blind to. I feel like I am making a ton of progress as far as learning how to interact with patients and healthcare…

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Week #6 (and 7)

Hey y’all, welcome back to the blog! As I started writing my post for week 7, I realized that I forgot to submit the one from last week. To make up for it, you guys will be getting a package deal of two blog posts in one today! When it comes to company culture, Eyeota’s…

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everything works out in the end

So remember how I mentioned that i found the problem with some of my earlier research? This week has had me go back and redo all of it. If I ever have to modify this reaction recipe again, I may just cry. A lot. On the bright side, I managed to pull a 99.6% yield…

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