F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

The final stretch

So. This is my second to last post. Which is weird to me. Anyways.

This past week has been exciting, but has also had the most lab time by far. I continued to have success on my project, but a pattern of reactions working better with ridiculous amounts of time persisted. So I did a time dependent study where I basically watched paint dry(watched the reaction happen when no visible changes take place). It took 6 hours one day to do, and another 3 the next to process the data. And in the end, it didn’t work. So i get to do that again this week. Oh well.


On the bright side, time dependent studies are super useful, and would leave the research group with a strong point of reference for any and all future work done on this particular reaction. It also would save hundreds of hours over the course of a year or so. Which would be pretty big.


And I don’t know about you, but i’m getting excited to go back to school.


Enjoy summer while it lasts!

wineia15 • July 24, 2017

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