F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Not that much longer…

My internship at CCT is a little bit longer than 10 weeks, so until I finish, I will post about the regular happenings at CCT!

This week was a busy one, as always! My boss, Patrick, went out of town from Tuesday through this upcoming Tuesday, so we did a lot of prep work for things I could do while he was away. I focused a lot on “guerrilla marketing,” which basically meant I went around the city to pass out fliers and gage information from different people. On Tuesday, I went to Millennium Park (the park with the big Bean in it, for you non-Chicago folk) to pass out postcards that advertised a promotional deal for our season of shows coming up to families walking around, per Patrick’s request. This did not go as well as he had hoped, because a lot of the families that were in the park were tourists, and were obviously not interested in buying what I was advertising. I got to spend the afternoon outside in the sweltering, humid Chicago fun, which was a nice change from inside the office!

On Wednesday, I did more guerrilla marketing in the West Loop neighborhood of Chicago (where the theatre is located), but this time it was more targeted and way more successful. I walked around to local businesses and asked if I could put some of the postcards out, and additionally, I also gaged their interest on buying ads for our upcoming season programs we will pass out at shows during the season. Patrick and I have been working on an ad pitch to send out to local businesses to buy this ad space, so it was great to talk to business owners in person to see if this was something worthwhile. And, I got a lot of positive feedback! Hopefully, our pitching will be successful and we’ll reach our goal for ad earnings for the programs.

As for my bought of fun for the week, I attended a free concert in Millennium Park on Thursday night, which was an absolute blast (did I mention, free?!?) Millennium Park can be really crowded during the day, but the concert started in the evening and we had a great time. Additionally, it was one of my fellow interns’ 21st birthday on Tuesday, so we all went out to this trendy restaurant in the Wicker Park neighborhood called “Mahalo” so he could get his first drink! I will surely miss summer in the city.

Libby Morris • July 24, 2017

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