F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7

Even as an intern, RVD expects you to be able to be self-guided and motivated, which has been incredible for my (lack) of organizational skills. The full time staff are in teams based on which clients they work with, but in general much of the work at RVD is individual. However, there are plenty of opportunities for collaboration, and everyone is always willing to help out where they can.

I am assigned projects individually from the staff, but the intern squad (4 of us) often pass certain tasks around and share the workload depending on who feels like doing what or who is swamped with work. It is a great informal system, and we have all learned what we enjoy doing and how best to divvy up work when we feel overloaded. Even though work can feel incredibly individual, its still noticeable how much collaboration and team work happens throughout the office.

When I am not at work (which sometimes feels like never), I love to see all my friends around the city. It’s amazing how many people from my hometown are here, as well as Wake. I’ve seen people I haven’t seen in years, and it’s crazy to think we finally met up a thousand miles from home in New York City.

dattkm14 • July 18, 2017

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