F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 6: Not-so-formal Culture

One of the most refreshing aspects of working for a smaller agency is the laid back attitude and more casual atmosphere than at big firms , banks, and other scary, corporate places. RVD, although professional, well-connected, and a place of important business, emphasizes comfort and friendliness between all of its employees.

Being in a WeWork building (co-working space) provides us with a more casual, less formal work setup, as we do not all sit in the office. We can sit in booths, at tables, or even lay on the couch if we feel so inclined. We are not restricted to a desk, which is a miracle for my fidgety life style. RVD is all female and relatively young, so no one is intimidating and everyone is so approachable, making sure all of the interns feel comfortable asking questions at any time and never feeling terrible if we do something wrong.

I immediately felt comfortable with all of my co-workers and have become close with a few of them, even hanging out outside of work. Although each day is fast paced and packed with meetings and visits, we can always find time to chat with one another about our lives, food, and friends. If anything, our work culture is reflective of the modern space and industry we work in, and it is so incredibly superior to a formal, stuffy office that I could probably continue on forever (I’ll stop here).

dattkm14 • July 18, 2017

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