F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Winding down at CCT

Wow, I can’t believe I’m back already writing a post for WEEK 8! This past week absolutely FLEW by, which I guess was a good thing since that means it was a fun, stimulating week of learning all I can about non-profit marketing. Above all, I think one of the most important lessons I’ve learned so far is that to be an effective leader, you have to be a team player. Leaders need to be able to collaborate with others in the workplace in order to foster better, more innovative ideas that will put us in the lead in the industry. Without the basic foundation of a cohesive team, you cannot effectively lead a group. And while I am definitely a minor part of the team, I have had a chance to be a leader to my fellow interns on a couple of occasions, like thinking of social media campaigns for season subscription ticket packages. My boss tasked me to be in charge of the social media, and it was my job to coordinate with my other intern peers to create an effective campaign that would draw more subscribers than last season – and we were successful! We have already surpassed the number of season subscriptions from last year, and we are on track to reach our target number for this season. So, as a young working professional, I think I’ve learned that it is absolutely vital to understand how to be an effective leader within a team and be able to collaborate with your team members, instead of just taking charge on your own.

As for my favorite part of the week, I can’t decide! This week was jam-packed with cool events and fun outings, but I would have to say that a highlight was a photoshoot I sat in on on Tuesday for one of the upcoming fall productions, A Year with Frog and Toad. This was a pre-production photo shoot for the show, and the images we got will allow us to make posters and other marketing signage. It was really fun because this show is a musical, so the two characters we were shooting were playing their instruments for us behind the scenes. They needed a picture of Frog and Toad on a sled and we wanted their scarves to look like they were blowing in the wind, so of course, another intern and I were the designated “scarf holders” behind the picture. It was a great time! I’m sad that my time at CCT is almost coming to a close.


Libby Morris • July 17, 2017

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