F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 8 Progress Update

I have gained so much knowledge from this internship that I cannot even begin to explain. I am learning an entire side to the healthcare industry that most of the public is blind to. I feel like I am making a ton of progress as far as learning how to interact with patients and healthcare professionals alike. I have been surprised by a few things during the course of this internship, however the most important is the extreme care and caution when selecting who is admitted into the rehab facilities. There is a very strict quota for different insurance types, as well as different rehabilitation needs. It is very interesting to also see competitor transition nurses attempting to persuade the same patient for their respective companies.

One of the main highlights of my week was actually one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I will call it a highlight, because it is something that will stick with me forever. I was in a patient’s room this week, going over an admission packet. The patient all of a sudden began having trouble breathing, so I ran outside to find help. I ran down the hallway, found a nurse, and explained the situation. I then hear “code blue” over the intercom, which means a patient is unresponsive. Doctors and nurses alike then ran to the patient’s room, where they were able to successfully revive her. It was extremely scary to witness firsthand, but a valuable experience.

ingrzl14 • July 17, 2017

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